Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Difference Between an Element Group and Period

The Difference Between an Element Group and Period Groups and periods are two ways of categorizing elements in the periodic table. Periods are horizontal rows (across) the periodic table, while groups are vertical columns (down) the table. Atomic number increases as you move down a group or across a period. Element Groups Elements in a group share a common number of valence electrons. For example, all of the elements in the alkaline earth group have a valence of two. Elements belonging to a group typically share several common properties. The groups in the periodic table go by a variety of different names: IUPAC Name Common Name Family Old IUPAC CAS notes Group 1 alkali metals lithium family IA IA excluding hydrogen Group 2 alkaline earth metals beryllium family IIA IIA Group 3 scandium family IIIA IIIB Group 4 titanium family IVA IVB Group 5 vanadium family VA VB Group 6 chromium family VIA VIB Group 7 manganese family VIIA VIIB Group 8 iron family VIII VIIIB Group 9 cobalt family VIII VIIIB Group 10 nickel family VIII VIIIB Group 11 coinage metals copper family IB IB Group 12 volatile metals zinc family IIB IIB Group 13 icoasagens boron family IIIB IIIA Group 14 tetrels, crystallogens carbon family IVB IVA tetrels from the Greek tetra for four Group 15 pentels, pnictogens nitrogen family VB VA pentels from the Greek penta for five Group 16 chalcogens oxygen family VIB VIA Group 17 halogens fluorine family VIIB VIIA Group 18 noble gases, aerogens helium family or neon family Group 0 VIIIA Another way to group elements is based on their shared properties (in some cases, these groupings do not correspond to the columns in the periodic table). Such groups include  alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals (including  rare earth elements or lanthanides and also actinides), basic metals, metalloids or semimetals, nonmetals, halogens, and noble gases. Within  this classification system, hydrogen is a nonmetal. The nonmetals, halogens, and noble gases are all types of nonmetallic elements. The metalloids have intermediate properties. All of the other elements are metallic. Element Periods Elements in a period share the highest unexcited electron energy level. There are more elements in some periods than others because the number of elements is determined by the number of electrons allowed in each energy sub-level. There are seven  periods for naturally occurring elements: Period 1: H, He (does not follow the octet rule)Period 2: Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne (involves s and p orbitals)Period 3: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar (all have at least 1 stable isotope)Period 4: K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr (first period with d-block elements)Period 5: Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sn, Te, I, Xe (same number of elements as period 4, same general structure, and includes first exclusively radioactive element, Tc)Period 6: Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn (first period with f-block elements)Period 7: Fr, Ra, Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr, Rd, Db, Sg, Bh, Hs, Mt, Ds, Rg, Cn, Uut, Fl, Uup, Lv, Uus, Uuo (all elements are radioactive; contains heaviest natural elements)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Internet

The Internet The internet will continue to shape the way businesses operate for some time to come, and while many e-business sites have come up only those that can find a way to add value to customers will succeed (Boone & Kurtz 230). The internet was of a lot of use to me during the whole project. From the start of the project I used the internet to help me search for aid organizations and get to know more about them from their sites. In most company websites I would find information like how many people the organization is helping at the moment, and its operating policy. There were also other sites some government and non-governmental that evaluates the different aid organizations, and advice donors which ones are good to donate to. As more and more companies go into e-business several opportunities are coming up for other companies. One of this is the virtual iris which has developed software which will enable ecommerce companies to have hundreds of images on their sites that allows visitors to zoom in on a product to see it up close before adding it to a shopping cart ( This type of business is called business-to-business (B2B) and it is gaining a lot of ground as companys come up to fill the niche created by emerging ecommerce sites. Most of the successful companies in this area have one thing in common and that is â€Å"Understanding that retailers prefer to focus on the business of selling their wares rather than becoming experts in the technological guts of an e-commerce siteâ€Å"( During the course of the project the team members relied heavily on the internet to keep each other updated, whereas, normally its faster to call someone and confirm certain details. This doesn’t always apply in reality as not everyone has a mobile telephone, and even those who have them normally switch them off when they are in class or when performing other activities.Therefore, the need for email ... Free Essays on Internet Free Essays on Internet In these days, people print many papers from Internet. Some people do needed those papers and some don’t needed. People waste lot of papers without any reasons. We may want to capture prints of Web pages in whole or in part, print their links, and revive hard copy when pages are updated. These problems encountered with web page printing include losing content outside print margins, wasting paper when only a few lines point on a page, printing a whole page when only a portion is needed, and tying up a printer for a long time to print huge Web page graphics. First, Internet browsers have printing short cuts that are worth exploring. Second, Microsoft office97 lets users open documents in their browsers for flexible editing and printing. Internet explorer 5.0 and Netscape Navigator 4.08 have printing shortcuts that can save time and paper and generate useful output. Whereas we want to print an entire Web page, or if we want to merge a web page with another document for printing, our browser’s tools are right at hand. To print a single Web page in Internet explorer, click on File/Print to access the print dialog box. When selecting this option because for a page with a lot of links the associated table can run many pages. One of the options is a check box for printing a table of links. If we check this box, our print includes the web page followed by a table of its links by name a URL, and under the file we can setup menu in Internet Explorer. We can adjust the page margins and orientation and customize web page prints with header and footer information. We can print page titles, the date and time, page numbers, and URL with abbreviated commands. Netscape Navigator also handles single Web page printing similarly to Internet Explorer. Its file page setup menu includes settings for page options, and footers. If a Web uses frames, the Navigator Page setup menu indicates Print frame and provides the same formatting options as for a Web ... Free Essays on Internet Everyone in this day and age uses the internet. It has become a vital information and communication tool for business’ and recreational users. The industry experienced rapid growth during the nineties and a lot of their income was based on advertising. But something went wrong along the way with this advertising as it got out of hand with pop-ups and spam becoming an annoyance to the internet user. There are two major types of internet advertising: Banner advertising and pop-up advertising. Banner advertisements are located on the page that is being viewed. A pop-up ad is a type of window that appears on top of the browser window of a web site that a person has visited. The business of pop-up ads has literally exploded. You open one window and another one comes popping up, you close this new window and another one opens up. It seems like it is impossible to have a surfing experience now where you do not encounter a pop-up ad. Many companies prefer to use pop-up ads because it is easier than developing brand awareness. Online advertising was supposed to pay back start-up and operational costs and lead to profitability even as it financed free access to costly content. This is because most companies feel advertising is concerned with both information and motivation. It communicates information to potential consumers, users, suppliers, and investors. It motivates consumers to consume, investors to invest, voters to vote, and so on. It seemed like every company in the world caught on to this trend and consumers became overloaded with companies and products. It reached the point that people would not even look at the advertisements, defeating the purpose of the marketing. This is because online advertising weakens the advertising signal and drowns it in noise. Advertisers stopped advertising online because the medium's noise to signal ratio rendered their ads ineffective or even annoying. The people that react with hostility ... Free Essays on Internet Everyone in this day and age uses the internet. It has become a vital information and communication tool for business’ and recreational users. The industry experienced rapid growth during the nineties and a lot of their income was based on advertising. But something went wrong along the way with this advertising as it got out of hand with pop-ups and spam becoming an annoyance to the internet user. There are two major types of internet advertising: Banner advertising and pop-up advertising. Banner advertisements are located on the page that is being viewed. A pop-up ad is a type of window that appears on top of the browser window of a web site that a person has visited. The business of pop-up ads has literally exploded. You open one window and another one comes popping up, you close this new window and another one opens up. It seems like it is impossible to have a surfing experience now where you do not encounter a pop-up ad. Many companies prefer to use pop-up ads because it is easier than developing brand awareness. Online advertising was supposed to pay back start-up and operational costs and lead to profitability even as it financed free access to costly content. This is because most companies feel advertising is concerned with both information and motivation. It communicates information to potential consumers, users, suppliers, and investors. It motivates consumers to consume, investors to invest, voters to vote, and so on. It seemed like every company in the world caught on to this trend and consumers became overloaded with companies and products. It reached the point that people would not even look at the advertisements, defeating the purpose of the marketing. This is because online advertising weakens the advertising signal and drowns it in noise. Advertisers stopped advertising online because the medium's noise to signal ratio rendered their ads ineffective or even annoying. The people that react with hostility... Free Essays on Internet The Internet The internet will continue to shape the way businesses operate for some time to come, and while many e-business sites have come up only those that can find a way to add value to customers will succeed (Boone & Kurtz 230). The internet was of a lot of use to me during the whole project. From the start of the project I used the internet to help me search for aid organizations and get to know more about them from their sites. In most company websites I would find information like how many people the organization is helping at the moment, and its operating policy. There were also other sites some government and non-governmental that evaluates the different aid organizations, and advice donors which ones are good to donate to. As more and more companies go into e-business several opportunities are coming up for other companies. One of this is the virtual iris which has developed software which will enable ecommerce companies to have hundreds of images on their sites that allows visitors to zoom in on a product to see it up close before adding it to a shopping cart ( This type of business is called business-to-business (B2B) and it is gaining a lot of ground as companys come up to fill the niche created by emerging ecommerce sites. Most of the successful companies in this area have one thing in common and that is â€Å"Understanding that retailers prefer to focus on the business of selling their wares rather than becoming experts in the technological guts of an e-commerce siteâ€Å"( During the course of the project the team members relied heavily on the internet to keep each other updated, whereas, normally its faster to call someone and confirm certain details. This doesn’t always apply in reality as not everyone has a mobile telephone, and even those who have them normally switch them off when they are in class or when performing other activities.Therefore, the need for email ... Free Essays on Internet â€Å"The Internet† The Internet has become very important in today’s society. The Internet connects people from around the world on a daily basis. The Internet is used for communication, trading, buying, and selling of stocks. The Internet is also vital to the advertisement industry. The Internet has caused a revolution in the way business is conducted in the twenty-first century. Businesses all across the world are making money through trading and communicating within seconds on the web. Samuelson 68) says, â€Å"Almost everything on it is being given away or sold at a loss†. If company’s loosing a great deal of money they would not continue to advertise on the Internet. The Internet helps companies, businesses, and also individuals bring in different amounts of income. Many individuals are turning to the Internet these days allowing the Internet Corporation to make billions of dollars. â€Å"In 1999 Internet ads amounted to 1.8 billion dollars out of the total United States advertising of the 215 billion dollars,† said (Samuelson 68). Many businesses spend millions of dollars to advertise their merchandise. This is the price you pay when you are in the world of making money. High class people are able to use this source of operation to connect to one another. The rural and urban people, also known as the lower class, sometimes are unable to afford the cost of having the web. Most can not even afford computers. â€Å"Where he (Kalisha 79) might be interested in free or discounted Internet service if a free computer was offered with it†. This goes to show that when Samuelson is saying money is being lost and people cannot make money he is wrong. The lower class people would love the chance to have access to the web, and be able to post web pages to get them recognized in the world. These people would be able to interact with billions of others each day. However, the Internet can also be used for evil purposes. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 27

Leadership - Essay Example I was assigned an office and informed that some of them were later to be absorbed in the organization. Therefore, I had to lecture them and erase any negative perception towards teamwork. The first strategy that I used was to create a communication link between them. I made it mandatory for all members to communicate with each other daily. Secondly, I implemented an open office policy whereby each group member would feel free to air any grievances without the use of intermediaries (Kano 87). I also shared my contacts in order for the members to reach me any time they feel like. Through these interventions, the group started working as a unit within the timeframe of two weeks. Through this experience, I felt like as a complete leader. I believe that being accessible to all members of the team was one aspect that enabled me to do well. This is because in many cases team fall out because of poor conflict solving mechanisms. Therefore, implementing an open office policy gave me an opportunity to arrest the situation before it get out of hand. In addition, the team members felt united because their grievances were being addressed effectively. Therefore, even after completing my task, they remained united and majority of them ended up being part-time subordinates of the organization. However, besides being close to the team members, I could have trained them of on the importance of diversity. This is through informing them that diversity in the team is significant in enabling them to tackle various challenges that keep on emerging in the modern market. I could have trained them that with the increasing levels of globalization resulting from liberalization of markets, efficient flow of information, and integration of e conomies, the level of competition in the market has increased tremendously (Iqbal 77). Therefore, they can use their diverse skills, experiences, and different ways of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Is there an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment ( Essay

Is there an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment ( Phillips Curve). Do unemployment rates give a realistic picture of differences in economic activity in Britain and Europe - Essay Example From the Philips curve therefore it is apparent that inflation and unemployment share an inverse relationship where inflation rises with the reduction of unemployment and vice versa (Gordon 2011). From the diagram, when the unemployment rate is 4% the inflation rate is 7% and when the unemployment rate is 6% the inflation rate is 3%. The diagram clearly shows that when the rate of unemployment is higher (6%) the rate of inflation is lower (3%) that when the unemployment rate low (4%) which results in a higher inflation rate (7%). Unemployment rates provide a realistic picture of the differences in economic activity in Britain and Europe. The difference between the economic activities in Britain and Europe can be attributed to the rates of unemployment. The unemployment rates in Britain are lower that the unemployment rate in Europe and the rate of economic activity in Britain are higher than that in Europe. The high number of employed individual’s in Britain economy increases the overall spending in the economy and subsequently the general economic activity of the country is increased. Reduction of the rates of unemployment increase expenditure within an economy and results in improved economic activities (Jovanovic & Jovanović

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Commentator on the human condition Essay Example for Free

Commentator on the human condition Essay Michael Leunig is a commentator on the human condition who uses simple, short cartoons to express his ideas to the public. In The Plotter, he conveys the message that society operates in a created sense of urgency. The idea is that the majority of the people believe that acting too slowly upon seeing an opportunity means there will be no other chances of success later on and thus must move quickly. Another idea that arises in The Plotter is that life is a journey and not a destination. This is all shown using intriguing techniques in his interesting and comical cartoon that captures its viewers. The episode starts out with an individual character walking towards the left slowly followed by the screen. Every step is taken with precision, taking about the same amount of time for each step to land, and this is emphasised by the musical beat of the background. The music is motion-toned as the pitch rises as a hurrying man runs from right to left, passing the individual. As the man runs past he calls out , and the individuals response is After this, the pitch is lowered again and the individual continues walking slowly. Only in a matter of seconds, a lady comes running by in the same direction and as she passes she yells to which he replies . One by one, people run past him trying to condemn and mock the leisurely individual for not conforming, however, the individual remains unhurt by their sayings and repeats pleasant words as an answer to the runners. The technique of dialogue and its setting out is very important. It tells the viewer that the individual thinks in his own ways, not conforming to the society that believes in the created sense of urgency. This individual has his own objective in life and wants to live by experiencing everything slowly while others try to make him keep in touch with the real world hence the call you wont know whats happening, you wont be clever. Visual techniques used by Michael Leunig to deliver his ideas include colour, foreground/backgrounding and body language. The colour of the background is natural, with the sky in blue and the ground in green as grass usually is. This use of natural colour has connotations to the natural instincts of human beings and thus links with the issue that Leunig suggests. The colour of the people running in the background is darker than the individual who stands in the foreground, possibly containing the meaning of evil in the runners, who together represent the majority of the world. The foregrounding of the individual and the backgrounding of the runners signifies the individual over the other people, as if criticising the world in the background and using the individual character to portray the world that should be as it always is with Michael Leunigs works. The posture and body language of the characters in The Plotter is organised so that the individual is slightly hunched showing the persons humbleness while the runners are portrayed standing tall and strong showing false confidence. Through these techniques, Michael Leunig illustrates a simple and interesting story with deep meaning,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Lymphoma Essay -- essays research papers fc

Lymphoma Lymphoma or lymphatic cancer is a very serious and life threatening disease. In this country there is an estimated 63,900 new cases, 7,100 of which are Hodgkin’s lymphoma as opposed to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Since around the 70’s the occurrence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has almost doubled while the occurrence of Hodgkin’s disease has declined. (Steen, 1993)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lymphoma is the name given to a cancer that infects the lymphatic system. In a case of lymphoma the lymphatic system has cells that multiply and cannot be stopped. There are two main types of lymphoma, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is called lymphoma and Hodgkin’s type lymphoma is called Hodgkin’s disease. Hodgkin’s disease is different from non-Hodgkin’s disease in that Hodgkin’s disease has a Reed-Sternberg cell present in the areas infected with the cancer. Hodgkin’s disease occurs mainly in people between 15 and 40 or over 55. Non-Hodgkin’s type cancer is much more common than Hodgkin’s disease. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a group of over 29 types of lymphoma. These are classified by the US National Cancer society as aggressive or fast multiplying or indolent, slow multiplying. (Lymphoma Information Network) The lymphatic system protects the body from agents that could cause disease like bacteria or viruses. Within this system, that consists of organs such as the spleen and tonsils, there are organs that destroy foreign agents, those organs are called lymph nodes. The lymphatic system works as follows; the bone marrow produces blood cells including white blood cells. White blood cells are the cells that find and destroy disease-causing agents. Both B and T cells change a great deal to defend the body from pathogen. It is while the B cells are transforming that cancers can infect them. (Lymphoma Information Network)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What causes Hodgkin’s disease is not known, but the symptoms are well known and somewhat easy to detect. One’s lymph nodes in the neck, armpit or chest begin to swell. The swelling should be painless to touch, not sore or tender, if it were sore it would most probably be caused by ... ... University of Birmingham)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lymphoma is diagnosed by taking tissue from an inflamed area and looking at it under a microscope. It is treated much in the same way as Hodgkin’s disease, with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Lymphoma however can be treated in very different ways than Hodgkin’s disease. Observation is one method in which a slow growing lymphoma is simply watched until it affects or is going to affect an organ. If a relapse occurs a cell-stem transplant is done. (Mayo Health Clinic) Bibliography Buckman, R.(1995). What You Really Need to Know about   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cancer. London: The John Hopkin’s press ltd.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cancerbacup. September. 1999. http://www.cancerbacup.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Cancerhelp UK. April. 1999. cancerhelp/public/specific/lymphoma/treat/which.html Lymphoma Information Network. October 3. 1999. Mayo Clinic. 1999.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  9609/htm/nonhodge.htm Steen, R. (1993). The conspiracy of Cells. New York: Plenum press.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Kate’s children Essay

It is a dark damp day; the rain is beating down on the corrugated iron of my four-roomed cottage on Condobolin Road. It is still early hours, however my husband William has already left to visit his parents Frederick and Mary on their property, as the wind and rain has brought down two of their great gum trees. My children are still sleeping soundly. I am not feeling well again today, I have not felt well since Maggie’s death, some two years ago. My head has not felt right; it tells me to do things that women shouldn’t even think of. I am not a well human being; I do not feel anymore, this haunts me. I feel great remorse and pity for myself. I am however fit to right my story, my life. My name is Catherine Ada Foster, however I am better known as Kate Kelly, sister of the renowned Ned Kelly. I was born in Beveridge on the 12th of July 1863, as the seventh child born to my parents John ‘Red’ Kelly and Ellen Quinn. Mary, the eldest is the sister I never knew, as she passed away at infancy. Second born was Anne then came Edward- everyone knowing him as Ned, then Margaret, James and Daniel. At the young age of just three years old in 1866, many events took place that changed my life; my little sister Grace came into the world around the same time we as a family moved to Avenel. That year my father John Kelly also passed away of dropsy, an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the body tissues, or cavities causing swelling or distension of the affected parts. This left my mother a widow and seven children fatherless, so we moved in with my aunt in Greta. After living there for twelve months, mother took up her own selection on the Eleven-Mile-Creek in the Glenrowan district, and there we moved into a newly erected two-roomed hut built by Ned. In Greta, I attended school and upon finishing I spent my time helping mother with the younger children, as she had remarried George King in 1874, and had two more children, Ellen and John- making a family of eleven, most of us being exceptional horsemen. It was just five years before in 1969 when Ned was first bought before the police court for two cases, at just fifteen years of age. He was charged with assault of a fowl and pig dealer named Ah Fook, and secondly aiding a bushranger, Harry Power, in some of his robberies. Luckily for Ned and Mother, he was found not guilty in both cases. However before the end of that year, Ned was convicted again for assault and indecent behaviour resulting in six months hard labor. Our family name was becoming well known around our area, as the police were giving us a bad name for petty things my older brother did. When Ned was released from prison, just three weeks later he received a beautiful brown mare off a friend he met during his labor times. However the police were on to him and arrested Ned as the horse was stolen, Ned had no idea of this, but this didn’t seem to matter to the police as he received three years hard labor. I was about fifteen years of age when the suitor Constable Alexander Fitzpatrick became attracted to me. He did not have a good name for himself, already fathering two children to different mothers. He tried to pose as a friend of the family, however my brothers were not fools to be reckoned with, and they did not trust him. On the 15th of April 1878, Fitzpatrick rode up to our house and Dan went outside. He asked Dan to go to Greta with him, as he had a warrant for stealing Whitty’s horses. Dan refused and asked to see the warrant, and Fitzpatrick said he had none. My mother told Fitzpatrick he had no business on her premises so he pulled out his revolver and said he would blow her brains out if she interfered. Mother said that Ned was present and he would come out and ram the revolver down his throat. It was obvious that Fitzpatrick had been drinking. As he was sitting on the stool waiting for Dan to finish his meal, I in my course of duties passed by him and he tried to kiss me. All my brothers tried to stop him. Fitzpatrick was drunk, they were sober but his story was believed above ours. He stated that my mother had struck him with a fire shovel, Dan had beaten him and Ned had shot him in the wrist and wounded him. He also incriminated William Williamson and Maggies husband William Skillion who he insisted on being there when the incident took place. The outcome resulted in long harsh sentences for mother, and our neighbours Skillion and Williamson. Ned and Dan hadn’t waited for their arrest and fled into the Wombat Ranges. 1 I was very angry that even the doctor who attended Fitzpatrick’s wounds, did not confirm that there was a bullet wound, and also that there was a strong smell of liquor on his breath.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Contemporary Canadian Business Law: Principles and Cases Tenth Edition Cases

Contemporary Canadian Business Law: Principles and Cases Tenth Edition Chapter 15: Case 9 Case 9 deals with a homeowner (the principle) who lists her property for sale and enters into an agreement with an agent to facilitate a sale with a third party. Over the course of the agency agreement a prospective buyer inspected the property but didn’t make an offer before the agency agreement expired. The legal issue that arises comes after the agency agreement expires.The prospective buyer later decided to put in an offer, which was accepted, but once discovering that the agreement between the principle and agent had expired brought legal action against the agent. The nature of the buyer’s actions in my opinion could be considered abnormal. The expiration of the agency agreement between the principle and the agent doesn’t have much bearing on his decision to place an offer on the house.The buyer indicated his interest in the house when he inspected the property and woul d have become aware of the disclosed agency at that time, so the fact that the agency agreement was expired at the time the offer was made is irrelevant. If anyone was to have a problem with the fact that the offer was accepted after the expiration of the agency agreement expired it should be the principle, depending on the situation. While the agreement may have expired the principle may have indicated through her actions that they would like the relationship to continue without signing a new agreement.Without the principle notifying potential third parties that the agent no longer had the authority to bind the parties, the agent was completely within their rights to accept the offer. The property owner would be able to ratify the agreement assuming that at the time the offer was accepted it was an agency of conduct that existed between her and the agent. If agency of conduct wasn’t the case and the principle had made it known to potential third parties that the agent no lon ger had the authority to act on her behalf, before the agent accepted the offer, then it could not be ratified.Ratification is retroactive, so agency by estoppel prevents the principle from denying representation after the fact. Chapter 22: Case 9 Case 9 deals with two individuals, Smith(plaintiff) an owner of a large farm in eastern Ontario and Crockett (defendant) who occupied a small cabin on a woodlot that was on Mr. Smith’s farm property. Mr. Crockett constructed the log cabin in 1978 with the permission of the property owner and used the cabin as a fishing and hunting camp. For many years the defendant used the cabin on weekends during the summer while he was fishing, and for a weeks during the fall hunting season.Beginning in the summer of 1981, Crockett began to make improvements to the area surrounding the cabin, by adding a small vegetable garden and constructing a fence during his months long summer vacation. The fence was constructed around both the cabin and gard en for the purpose of keeping the animals out. During the hunting season of that year, Crockett cut down a number of small trees and extend the fenced-in-area to a parcel of land 23 metres by 30 metres and included a gate in the fence for access to the roadway.Smith made sure to ask Crockett about the fence, shortly after it was constructed, and was told that it was there to keep the animals away from his flowers and vegetables. The following year Crockett accepted early retirement and spent the period from May 1st to November 30th at the cabin. Crockett continued to take advantage of the fishing, continued to plant a garden and helped Smith with the planting of his crops and his fall harvest. Crockett would leave his belongings in the cabin over the cold winter months and spend his winter in a warmer climate.When Crockett returned to the cabin the next April he was met by a local tax assessor, who asked him if he owned the cabin and answered with an affirmative and sometime alter r eceived a municipal tax bill. Crockett would pay the tax bill, which was issued in his name, for the year of 1983. Over the next several years Crockett would continue to live in the cabin and only spend the coldest winter months away and paid taxes on the cabin each year. In 1994 Crockett expanded the fences further to include an area 30metres by 45metres in order to enclose a larger vegetable garden.Smith didn’t object but warned that the two large hickory trees be left standing. In the summer of 2002, the two large hickory trees were damaged by a lightening strike and subsequently cut down by the defendant, which promoted the plantiff to go into a rage and order Crockett off the property. Crockett refused to leave claiming he was the owner of a parcel of land. The main legal issue to examine regarding this case deals with encroachment, which is simply defined as: A possessory right to the property of another that may be acquired by the passage of time.Crockett has well docu mented existence of the woodlot property dating back over 20 years and was not met with objection on the part of the Smith, who is the true owner. Due to the fact that the plantiff left the defendant undisturbed for over 20 years, he lost his right to dispute to object the encroachment. Smith would have had to make his objections known regarding Crockett’s occupancy in the log cabin, constructed on his wood lot, many years earlier if he wanted to maintain his right to object.It is my belief that the court would view things similarly and decide that Smith lost his right to object to Crockett’s encroachment and allow the defendant to continue to use the property in the ways in which he had previously been. Having occupied the property for parts of 22 years not being asked to vacate the property during any of the first 10-20 years, Crockett was within his right to refuse and the fact that he paid taxes on the property further supports his claim to ownership of the propert y.Chapter 28: Case 8 Case 8 deals with a cheque written by Ascot with the intent to purchase a painting from an art gallery. The plaintiff (Ascot) had prepared a cheque in the amount of the purchase price, which was $1000 and signed it, but was unsure of the exact spelling of the art gallery, so he left that part blank. Ascot would leave the incomplete instrument in his desk drawer with the intention of making a phone call to the gallery later in the day for the information necessary to complete it.After having determined the gallery’s name, while out at lunch, he returned to his office to complete the cheque but discovered it had been stolen. The defendant, Hines, a fellow employee of Ascot, had taken the cheque and filled it out payable â€Å"to bearer† and used it to purchase items at a store where Ascot’s signature was recognized. The storeowner would later present Ascot’s cheque to the bank for payment. Ascot was a few minutes too late calling the ba nk with a stop payment and the bank had already paid the cheque.It is important to determine whether the plaintiff has the proper elements to warrant a real defence. While there are three classes of defences to claims for payment of bills of exchange, the most effective are called real defences. Real defences are defences that go to the root of the instrument, and are good against all holders, including a holder in due course. In the situation explained above, it is clear the plaintiff never delivered the incomplete instrument and therefore is a real defence due to the fact that another party completed the instrument, and negotiated it for payment.It is obvious that the defendant, Hines, completed the incomplete instrument and negotiated it for the payments by way of receiving goods from the storeowner. The legal claim of the cancellation of the instrument alone would not be enough to use in a defence against a claim of payment by a holder. Because Ascot was a few minutes late calli ng the bank to cancel the instrument he would not be able to deny payment as the cancellation was not noted on the instrument and its handling could have been viewed as reckless if the circumstances were not known.Since Ascot had not only signed an incomplete instrument, but also did not deliver it, both elements were present to constitute a real defence. The courts would rule that the plaintiff did indeed have a real defence and as a result would not be responsible for the amount paid out by the bank to the storeowner. The actions of the employee go beyond the scope of this case and are therefore left out of the ruling. Chapter 19: Case 12 Case 12 deals with a two parties who were affected by the strike action taken by the Gear Makers’ Union.Those parties are Gear Warehousing Company and Transmission Manufacturing Company. Gear Warehousing Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gear Manufacturing Company, while Transmission Manufacturing Company is an important customer of Gear Manufacturing Company. The Gear Warehousing Company and the Gear Makers’ Union had been unsuccessfully trying to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement before the expiry of the old agreement but could not reach an agreement.Both parties requested a conciliation services offered by the Ministry of Labour, but the service failed to produce an agreement. Before a strike or lockout can take place, requesting the services of conciliation offered by the Ministry of Labour is mandatory. After the failed conciliation, the employees went out on strike and set up picket lines at the entrance of the plant of Gear Manufacturing Company as well as the entrance to Gear Warehousing company in an attempt to prevent the shipment of goods from the warehouse.A few days later the employees decided to set up a picket line at Transmission Manufacturing Company, and prevented the company from shipping a large truckload of transmissions to another manufacturer. The actions taken by the striking employees resulted in the Transmission Manufacturing Company suffering a loss of $5000 through its failure to make its delivery on time. The union members are legally allowed by law to withhold their services from their employer and set up picket lines at the entrances of the employer’s premise if they desire to.Focusing on the rights of the Gear Warehousing Company, as long as the employees are picketing for the purpose of conveying information there is nothing they can do to prevent the picketing from occurring. Where the Gear Warehousing Company gains rights is when it comes to dealing with attempts by picketers to prevent persons from entering or leaving the plant, and therefore may be actionable by law.As well, if property is damaged or a person is injured while attempting to enter or leave the employer’s premise, the employer has the right to apply for a court order limiting the number of pickets to only a few. While the employees were within their righ t to picket at the entrance of the plant of Gear Manufacturing Company, Gear Warehousing Company would be well within its rights to apply for a court order limiting the number of pickets to only a few so that shipment of goods from the warehouse could remain on schedule.Moving on to examine the secondary picket is where the Transmission Manufacturing Company comes into the picture and we look at their rights. A secondary picket is simply when picketing takes place somewhere other than the employer’s place of business. Until 2002 it was considered unlawful except where employer and supplier or customer were so closely related that suppliers or customers might be considered involved in the dispute as part of the employer’s overall operations.Following a 2002 court ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada, it was determined that secondary picketing constitutes freedom of expression, and is protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Due to the fact that employees wer e not only conveying information regarding the strike but also preventing the Transmission company from making its shipment on time they would be well within its rights to apply for a court order limiting the number of pickets to only a few so that future shipments of goods from the company could remain on schedule.In my opinion the courts would come to the same conclusion as mentioned above and limit the number of employees picketing in one place at a time to ensure the businesses involved were not prevented from making shipments. The striking employees are well within their right to convey information regarding the strike action but cannot prevent the Gear Warehousing Company and the Transmission Manufacturing Company from making shipments to customers.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Human Resource Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization Essay Essay Example

Human Resource Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization Essay Essay Example Human Resource Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization Essay Paper Human Resource Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization Essay Paper This essay will supply a definition to Human Resource ( HR ) and find whether HR is the most of import plus in the organisation. The first portion of the essay will discourse the importance of human resource and how is it is indispensable to the success of any organisation. The 2nd portion will place the impacts on the public presentation of an administration. Human Resource ( HR ) and Human Resource Management ( HRM ) Oswin ( 2011 ) states that human resource is a term used to depict the persons who make up the work force of an organisation. Rouse ( 2011 ) defines human resources as the people who work for the organisation ; human resource direction is truly employee direction with an accent on those employees as assets of the concern. In drumhead. all organisation are made up of work forces and adult females to take up places to make specific undertaking and straight pull off by human resource direction. No affair what organisation there are out at that place in the concern universe. neither engineering nor machines can out crush the importance of holding qualified work forces and adult females to make the undertaking. ( Dashgarzadeh et al ( 2012 ) states that an organization’s human resources are of strategic importance. because cognition. accomplishments. abilities. behaviors. and interactions of employees have the possible to act upon organisational public presentation. It is true that without engineering. the sum of clip needed to mass bring forth their merchandises will take a longer clip but what are these machines without the people who operate them. Peoples Practices Noe et Al ( 2012 ) states that HRM patterns include analysing and planing work. finding human resource demands ( HR planning ) . pulling possible employees ( enrolling ) . taking employees ( choice ) . learning employees how to execute their occupations and fixing them for the hereafter ( preparation and development ) . honoring employees ( compensation ) . measuring their public presentation ( public presentation direction ) . and making a positive work environment ( employee relation ) . From the stated above. we can see that there a batch of money and clip spent to enroll the right people and measure up them for the right occupation. In a survey shows by Fleming ( 2008 ) . it can take up to ?8000 to replace a staff member. Impact to Organisation’s Performance A immense per centum of an organization’s budgets are spent on human resources – in the signifier of enrolling. preparation and development. wages. benefits and compensation. With the significant sum of money invested on human resource. the returns must be of a mensurable benefit to the organisation. ( U. S Office of Personnel Management ( OPM ) 1999: 3 ) . If the organisation decides to cut costs. in-house coaching or mentoring would be an ideal measure to guarantee their development are up to tag alternatively of cut downing staff whom they had spent clip and money on. By deploying a non-qualified employee to a certain undertaking is black to any organisation. Selection – Choosing Employees At this phase. the organisation will be carry oning interviews to find the suitableness and abilities of the campaigner for the occupation. By using an experient and knowing campaigner means the organisation would be able to pass less resources. like money and operational hours. to develop and develop the person to run into the criterions that is required. By making so. the organisation would be able to salvage or put on other resources to increase the productiveness. Decision Human resources are the most of import assets a modern organisation has. because merely human existences can do. transportation and exercising cognition ( Write Works. 2006 ) . It is an extreme of import that the organisation recruit. select. train and develop the right people and guarantee that their public assistance and benefits are taken attention of. I must state that every individual working in the organisation is the anchor and play a major function in the success or failure of an organisation. regardless of how major or minor their occupation may be.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Daniel Webster, American Statesman

Biography of Daniel Webster, American Statesman Daniel Webster (January 18, 1782–October 24, 1852) was one of the most eloquent and influential American political figures of the early 19th century. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives, in the Senate, and in the executive branch as the Secretary of State. Given his prominence in debating the great issues of his day, Webster was considered, along with  Henry Clay  and  John C. Calhoun, a member of the Great Triumvirate. The three men, each representing a different region of the country, defined national politics for several decades. Fast Facts: Daniel Webster Known For: Webster was an influential American statesman and orator.Born: January 18, 1782 in Salisbury, New HampshireParents: Ebenezer and Abigail WebsterDied: October 24, 1852 in Marshfield, MassachusettsSpouse(s): Grace Fletcher, Caroline LeRoy WebsterChildren: 5 Early Life Daniel Webster was born in Salisbury, New Hampshire, on January 18, 1782. He grew up on a farm, and worked there during the warm months and attended a local school in the winter. Webster later attended Phillips Academy and Dartmouth College, where he became known for his impressive speaking skills. After graduation, Webster learned the law by working for a lawyer (the usual practice before law schools became common). He practiced law from 1807 until the time he entered Congress. Early Political Career Webster first attained some local prominence when he addressed an Independence Day commemoration on July 4, 1812, speaking on the topic of the war, which had just been declared against Britain by President James Madison. Webster, like many in New England, opposed the War of 1812. He was elected to the House of Representatives from a New Hampshire district in 1813. In the U.S. Capitol, he became known as a skillful orator, and he often argued against the Madison administrations war policies. Webster left Congress in 1816 to concentrate on his legal career. He acquired a reputation as a highly skilled litigator and argued several prominent cases before the U.S. Supreme Court during the era of Chief Justice John Marshall. One of these cases, Gibbons v. Ogden, established the scope of the U.S. governments authority over interstate commerce. Webster returned to the House of Representatives in 1823 as a representative from Massachusetts. While serving in Congress, Webster often gave public addresses, including eulogies for Thomas Jefferson and John Adams (who both died on July 4, 1826). He became known as the greatest public speaker in the country. Senate Career Webster was elected to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts in 1827. He would serve until 1841, and would be a prominent participant in many critical debates. Webster supported the passage of the  Tariff of Abominations  in 1828, and that brought him into conflict with John C. Calhoun, the intelligent and fiery political figure from South Carolina. Sectional disputes came into focus, and Webster and a close friend of Calhoun, Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina, squared off in debates on the floor of the Senate in January 1830. Hayne argued in favor of states rights, and Webster, in a famous rebuttal, forcefully argued for the authority of the federal government. The verbal fireworks between Webster and Hayne became something of a symbol for the nations growing divisions. The debates were covered in detail by newspapers and watched closely by the public. As the  Nullification Crisis  developed, Webster supported the policy of  President Andrew Jackson, who threatened to send federal troops to South Carolina. The crisis was averted before violent action took place. Webster opposed the economic policies of Andrew Jackson, however, and in 1836 he ran for president as a Whig against  Martin Van Buren, a close political associate of Jackson. In a contentious four-way race, Webster only carried his own state of Massachusetts. Secretary of State Four years later, Webster again sought the Whig nomination for president but lost to  William Henry Harrison, who won the election of 1840. Harrison appointed Webster as his Secretary of State. President Harrison died a month after taking office. As he was the first president to die in office, there was a controversy over presidential succession in which Webster participated.  John Tyler, Harrisons vice president, asserted that he should become the next president, and the  Tyler Precedent  became accepted practice. Webster was one of the cabinet officials who disagreed with this decision; he felt that the presidential cabinet should share some of the presidential powers. After this controversy, Webster did not get along with Tyler, and he resigned from his post in 1843. Later Senate Career Webster returned to the U.S. Senate in 1845. He had tried to secure the Whig nomination for president in 1844 but lost to longtime rival Henry Clay. In 1848, Webster lost another attempt to get the nomination when the Whigs nominated  Zachary Taylor, a hero of the  Mexican War. Webster was opposed to the spread of slavery to new American territories. In the late 1840s, however, he began supporting compromises proposed by Henry Clay to keep the Union together. In his last major action in the Senate, he supported the  Compromise of 1850, which included the Fugitive Slave Act that was highly unpopular in New England. Webster delivered a highly anticipated address during Senate debates- later known as the Seventh of March Speech- in which he spoke in favor of preserving the Union. Many of his constituents, deeply offended by parts of his speech, felt betrayed by Webster. He left the Senate a few months later, when  Millard Fillmore, who had become president after the death of Zachary Taylor, appointed him as Secretary of State. In May 1851, Webster rode along with two New York politicians, Senator William Seward and President Millard Fillmore, on a train trip to celebrate the new Erie Railroad. At every stop across New York State crowds gathered, mostly because they were hoping to hear a speech by Webster. His oratory skills were such that he overshadowed the president. Webster tried again to be nominated for president on the Whig ticket in 1852, but the party chose General Winfield Scott at a  brokered convention. Angered by the decision, Webster refused to support Scotts candidacy. Death Webster died on October 24, 1852, just before the general election (which Winfield Scott would lose to  Franklin Pierce). He was buried in Winslow Cemetery  in  Marshfield, Massachusetts. Legacy Webster cast a long shadow in American politics. He was greatly admired, even by some of his detractors, for his knowledge and speaking skills, which made him one of the most influential political figures of his time. A statue of the American statesman stands in New Yorks Central Park. Sources Brands, H. W. Heirs of the Founders: the Epic Rivalry of Henry Clay, John Calhoun and Daniel Webster, the Second Generation of American Giants. Random House, 2018.Remini, Robert V. Daniel Webster: the Man and His Time. W.W. Norton Co., 2015.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Summertime Dues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summertime Dues - Essay Example text is narrative since it captures the interest of the reader while focusing on the central theme of the character that students adopt during summer jobs. In addition, Kirn’s text takes the form of an expository text since it informs the reader about summer jobs and the lessons drawn from most of these jobs (Cooper et al. 146). The main theme of Kirn’s text has a basis on the character that students espouse during summer jobs. In this case, Kirn noted students who failed to work during the summer and choose other pursuits found themselves disadvantaged since they failed to learn some traits in modern day work although some of these traits may be mainly negative (364). In this case, Kirn is of the view that these characters developed during summer jobs are crucial in future jobs. Conversely, Kirn is of the view that summer jobs are merely political schemes or entitlement programs hatched to keep unruly kids busy and away from their parents (365). Kirn’s writing style is interesting. In this regard, only a few writers are able to inform as well as hold the reader’s interest all through the text. Kirn is in the group of exceptional writer, and the most interesting part of his style is that the article is informative, and it is thought provoking. In this case, this style of writing makes the reader to beginning questioning the rationale of summer jobs. In addition, the style of writing is interesting since it evokes a feeling of the need to prepare students by teaching them ethical practices before engaging in summer jobs. While it is evident that Kirn’s article is both expository and narrative, it would have been more appropriate for Kirn to strike a balance between the uses of these text types in the article. In this regard, the article appears to be more of a narrative. In effect, Kirn failed to present more facts on summer jobs by primarily dealing with his personal experiences. However, it would have been more appropriate for Kirn to present more

Friday, November 1, 2019

Advertising promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advertising promotion - Essay Example The business plan for the service is that the target market will hire Darla to perform weekly errands like picking up dry cleaning and grocery shopping, or do one-off errands, such as getting shoes or watches repaired or dropping off library books. The idea is that if Darla performs these tasks, these people will be able to relax and spend more time with friends and family, and enjoy other leisure activities. Issue with the Idea The main issue encountered for implementing this idea was to generate awareness about the service to the target people so that the idea could be implemented properly. Besides this, reaching out to the target customers efficiently was also major issue faced by Darla and her errand service. Solution To tackle this problem proper communication with the target market was essential and to actualise the same Darla had to spend a significant amount of money on advertising. In addition she had to take a call whether she would go for in-house advertising or hire an ag ency to do the job. The target market for â€Å"I’ll Run for You† comprised of a pretty large population in the area and mainly included the people who either led retired or busy lives. The elderly people who were too old for errands, and the professionals who had to travel because of work, had no time to do the errands. Before deciding on the type of advertising that Darla should have considered, it is important to analyse the pro and cons of both an in-house and an advertising agency services. In an in-house agency, the cost is relatively low and with improved technology actions ranging from direct mails to development of website, can be successfully executed by a marketer. Consistency and transparency can also be easily maintained by an in-house agency (Powers, 2012). The biggest benefit of an in-house agency is that it has total control over the provider’s time, quality and activity. Most of the organisations try to maintain the core operation in-house, whic h would differentiate the business (Traxler, 2012). However the in-house agency has a relatively low buying power of media, there are hardly any fresh views, lacks specialised knowledge, and also the stress related to work is more (Smith & Taylor, 2004, p.168). In other words, in-house agencies are less experienced, less flexible and less objective (Belch, Belch & Purani, 2010, p. 102). In case of advertising agency the biggest benefit is the expertise knowledge that the agency brings on board. The agencies work in groups, and so they are likely to pick the most innovative idea and act as per the requirements of the clients. Moreover, as the crucial part of advertising is handled by the agency, a lot of significant time gets saved for the organisation to involve in other related activities (Sharma, 2011). However advertising agency is a costly affair as they usually charge a high price for the variety of services and sometimes the clients end up paying for pretty trivial reasons. Th e money involved is relatively higher as compared to an in-house agency. Besides this less involvement with and understanding of overall marketing goals of the client, and longer response time taken by the external agencies also act as dampening factors of hiring an outside agency. Recommendation Analysing the pros and cons of both in-house and outside advertising agency, it is recommended to â€Å"I’ll Work for you† to hire an outside agency which would help it in generating awareness among the target customers. Although outside advertising agency has many disadvantages, but since the business is new, it will be beneficial